Depaving St. Cuthbert's
Depave Paradise, a program developed by Green Communities Canada (GCC), removes impermeable
surfaces such as asphalt, and replaces it with native species gardens.
Starting in June, the project at St. Cuthbert's will remove the asphalt from beneath the playground area and create a more climate resilient space that allows rain water to soak into the ground, reducing flood risk on the property.
The native tree and wildflower species planted in this area will also increase local biodiversity to support pollinators for the nearby food gardens. The project site is located on the west side of St Cuthbert's
property, in an area that previously contained the playground along with a storage shed. There is significant shade coverage provided by the 5 mature trees from the property as well as adjacent residential properties.
There is also an area on the northwest side of the church that contains a second storage shed, but is otherwise currently unused. The property line contains a swale for excess water runoff from the roofline and asphalt. The swale has become overgrown with weeds and voluntary tree saplings from a neighbour's yard and from seed dispersal from birds. This area will be cleared and replanted with native species.
Seating will be installed around the mature trees to provide resting and conversation areas. Wildflowers and native grasses will be planted along newly created walking paths; this will minimize soil compaction
around trees and facilitate access to the varied native plant species being planted. Edible species will be included, where possible. You can view the plan for this exciting project here.
You can read about our Depave Project in the Niagara Anglican Newspaper:
We thank TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for their contribution towards removing the pavement in the old playground area and Halton Environmental Network in helping to facilitate the project.